AWELU contents

AWELU consists of seven sections:

Start here (this is where you are now)

Different writers have different needs. AWELU has recently been revised and expanded to include resources specifically aimed at student writers, research writers, and administrative writers. In this section we provide hands-on tips as well as links to other parts of AWELU where you will find more information:


Academic writing is carried out in different traditions and contexts and for different purposes. One way to capture this diversity is to talk about different genres (text types) according to their purpose and the ways in which they follow norms of structure, style and layout. In the Genre section, you will find information about academic writing in general as well as hands-on advice on writing in several genres that are common at university:


Much writing at university follows the idea of process writing, which, in short, means that you develop your text in stages and that you reflect and revise along the way. In the Writing section, you find information about the writing process as well as tips on how to structure your text.


This is a collection of resources on writing in English as a second language, and we provide plenty of information about English grammar and on how to find the right words. Many of the resources are of a general nature, but where relevant, we take language differences between Swedish and English into account.


In academic writing, you need to show what sources you have used, and these sources have to be referred to according to accepted standards. The AWELU section on referencing provides information about the use of sources as well as how to format references.

Academic integrity

Academic work relies on trust and honesty. On AWELU you will find information about academic integrity and plagiarism. There are also links to LU resources.

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Page Manager: aweluluse | 2023-02-08