Signposting the structure

There are various ways of highlighting the structure of a text to the reader. The use of subheadings is one method. As suggested in our section on structure within the text, working with tentative subheadings all through the writing process is a way to highlight the structure and thus help the writer maintain their focus.

Another way of highlighting text structure, especially at the paragraph or section level, is to rely on so-called transitional or linking devices. These are useful at the drafting stage but also serve an important purpose in the finished text.

Transitional words - linking devices

Within paragraphs as well as between paragraphs and sections, elements that create transitions and that connect various parts of the text help readers see where the text is going. Writers can choose between different kinds of transitional devices depending on the type of link that they wish to make. For information and advice regarding the use of transitional devices, see:

How do I find transitional words and phrases for my text?

To find suitable transitional words and phrases,  phrase banks, which are compilations of useful words and phrases, can be helpful. Read more about phrase banks and how to use them here:

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