Using sources

Keeping track of references and using them correctly is essential throughout the writing process. When you have started writing and started using your sources, you may find the following pages on AWELU helpful. As a student writer, you should of course always make sure that you follow the stylesheet and reference style stipulated for your course.

How to give references

What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting? What is the difference between a paraphrase and a summary? How do you quote correctly? Read about that here:

Using a reference style

Consistency is vital in referencing, which is why academic writers use reference styles. Read about what a reference style is and how to use one here:

Reference accuracy

Referencing needs to be exact and correct. Here you will find some advice on what to think about:

Reference management tools

There are electronic reference management tools available. Read about the ones available to students and staff at Lund University here:

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