Research writing resources

Writing is by far the most important way in which research results are presented, not only to members of the research community, but also to other interested parties in, for example, government or industry, as well as the general public.

Being able to present results and theories in ways that are appropriate for different audiences is therefore an important skill for anyone involved in academic research. This is not only a matter of writing texts that are clear, accessible, and publishable, but also requires specific knowledge of the purpose and conventions of academic writing.

You will find information and tips on various issues connected to research writing on AWELU. Some parts of the platform that are related to research writing are presented below. For a more detailed overview, see

Using English

If English is not your first language, you are likely to run into difficulties that are different from those that you may experience when writing in your first language:

  • you may be uncertain what is grammatically acceptable in English and what is not
  • even if you can write in grammatically correct English, you may still find it difficult to construct a coherent and convincing argument in English
  • you may know exactly what you want to say, but have difficulty finding the right words in English
  • you may feel that your level of formality or style is inappropriate for the type of text you are currently producing

The AWELU Language section can help you with difficulties related to English grammar and words:

Writing in different genres

Different research generates different kinds of writing. AWELU provides information on the concept of academic writing as a whole, and also on the variety of genres within academic writing. There is also advice on writing in a number of common research genres.

Writing your text

If you are new to research writing, or if you wish to brush up on your writing skills, AWELU provides information and advice on different aspects of the writing process, on using references in your writing, and on issues related to academic honesty and integrity:

Writing tips

In the sections on student writing, there is some information on peer reviewing activities. These activities can be carried out in groups but can also be used for reflection on your own work-in-progress texts.

Want to take a course?

The free online LU MOOC Writing in English at University aims to introduce you to conventions of academic writing in English and to help you put together your own “toolbox” of academic writing skills. Enrol here.

LU Glossary

The LU Glossary (on the LU Staff pages) lists the English terminology relating to higher education that is used within Lund University:

Svensk-Engelsk LU-ordlista

English-Swedish LU Glossary

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